Clomid CD7

I started taking Clomid on Sunday, and I’ve now taken it for 3 days…I have 2 left! I must say the hot flashes are unreal. Seriously, I’m always cold and sleep with two blankets, but since being on this medication, I get hot flashes at the most random times. I didn’t feel too great yesterday. I felt nauseous all day, not sure why…maybe I was still getting used to the meds. So far, I’m doing better today. I have read people say they had horrible mood swings…I don’t think I have, but you’d have to check with my husband on that one!lol We are SO hopeful this will work this month! Our anniversary is in the beginning of October so it would be the perfect gift.. But I’m trying to not get to excited. Just seeing how it goes and if we have to try something different ..I’m ready to do that! 🙂


5 thoughts on “Clomid CD7

  1. I’ve taken several rounds of femara and didn’t have any side effects. This month we are trying clomid. I finished mine Thursday. I definitely could tell the difference. Hot flashes, nausea, and talk about emotional! I hope this works for you! Our anniversary isn’t in October, but my bday is! Lol hoping and praying for us both! (Well, all of us, TheUnforseenPath too!)


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